Saturday 9 June 2012

My opinion on Australia, and all thongs Australian

I'm writing this on my mobile internet so it'll probably be full of cock-ups, so please excuse them.  Anywho, I always see photos of Australia on the internets and they concern me.  I want to know how the hell these people actually live on such an island.  I've never been, and probably never will because I want not to be murdered by a goddamn human eating spider.  Those bastards run this country.

Every time I use the washroom to relieve myself of shit, I lift the seat and search for the little bastards.. I'll try to find a link later and post it.  Australia has changed my natural habits and I've not even been. How the shit does that even happen.

In an attempt to be serious and not offend any of the [as referred to in every other country,] convicts, here's my thought on them.  They have great ideals on life.  They don't give a fuck about anything.  All they do is have fun, and make more money than me.  Whenever I try to do so, I end up with slap marks because I suppose my australian accent is shit.

At the end of the day, don't try to pick up women if your accent skills aren't pro, and you have a jealous asshole friend.

Thanks Australia for the constant fear and pain..

Do Australian women shower upside down?  -food for thought

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